Who we are
OIDEC International
OIDEC International is a non-profit and is completely focused on the public benefit and serves the public interest with almost all of its activities (minimum 90%).
Stichting OIDEC International
Stichting OIDEC International
Rokin 92-96 - Amsterdam (NL) - 1012 KZ
Ph. +31 020 3085369
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OIDEC International and the people directly involved in the organization meet the integrity requirements. The Executive Board is composed of:
- Acciaro Marcello - President
- Negroni Ferdinando - Vice President
- Yekeson Stephen Marka - Vice President
- Morriconi Massimiliano - Secretary General
- Zappaterra Gianluca - Treasurer
- Zanzarella Valentino - Boardmember
- Cardoni Mario - Boardmember
- Orlando Sabato - Boardmember
- Rossi Fabio - Boardmember
- Rossi Federico - Boardmember
- Lovato Fabio - Boardmember
- Marrone Filippo Paolo - Boardmember
- Procelli Mirco - Boardmember
- Longu Roberto - Boardmember
- Masala Giuseppe - Boardmember
The members of the Executive Board do not receive any remuneration for their work. They are, however, entitled to attendance fees and expense allowance reasonably incurred by them in the performance of their duties. The staff working for OIDEC International receive a remuneration according to the collective labour agreement (CAO) salary scheme.
Neither a natural person nor a legal entity can dispose of the OIDEC International’s assets as if they were its own.
The assets of the OIDEC International consist of subsidies, gifts, and bequests obtained by inheritance, as well as other income.
OIDEC International shall not hold on to more than is reasonably necessary for the continuity of the activities provided for the purpose of the foundation itself.
The funds that remains after the closure of OIDEC International is donated to an ANBI with a general good objective identical to the OIDEC International objective or a foreign institution with a similar goal that focuses at least 90% on public utility.
OIDEC International fulfills administrative obligations.
OIDEC International has an updated policy plan. (LINK) The vision document describes the plans of OIDEC International in the fields of humanitarian aid operations. and contains the ambitions and the objectives for the period 2021-2022 of OIDEC International.
ANNUAL REPORTIn the annual report of OIDEC International will find the annual statements and the specification thereon.
POLICY PLANThis document contains the policy plan belonging to OIDEC International for the period 2021-2022.
The main objectives of OIDEC's overall policy plan are explained below. The OIDEC projects take into account all the factors in question: in fact they start from the study of territory with the properties and evaluate the potential of the resources and the risks of the situation today.
They are eco-responsible and eco-sustainable projects and aim to increase the level of quality of the life of the population of the nation concerned in the project.
With this political-strategic planning document it is the honor and intention of the Executive Board present to this sovereign body the programmatic plan with the mission e the objectives of OIDEC until 31 December 2022.
In fact, the Executive Board considers it necessary to highlight the fact that what is indicated in the this programmatic document may be subject to changes by virtue of any changes in needs in the area of interest and / or in the peoples concerned.
The Executive Board considers it useful to underline that the objectives will not vary in purpose last but only in the modality of improvement and improvement of the level of quality of life of the population and territorial area, addressed in the programmatic plan.
The objectives are divided into 6 areas of action and development:
Interventions in emergency areas
Donation of 3 car ambulances
Collection and sending of humanitarian, food and medicine aid
Sending 2 containers of health and food aid
Conduct of training courses
School training course with basic method
Organization of events on the themes of peace, of
solidarity, human rights, and environmental protection -
Events and exhibitions of international cooperation
Increase in the number and preparation of volunteers in civil service
Objective 250 active and trained volunteers in two years
Strengthening partnership with other organizations
national and international with identical purposes -
Objective affiliate at least 10 non-profit voluntary bodies in 10 nations of the world
Be recognized by at least 5 governmental organizations international